Saturday, November 10, 2007

Getting Started

When I got out of graduate school and got an Equity job right away, I of course thought that my career path would always be moving upward. Actually I thought that well before I got out of school; I never lacked for confidence. And the truth is that I did better than the vast majority of young actors, working on and off-Broadway, doing leads at major regional theaters, guest starring on lots of TV dramas and made-for-TV movies, but although I went to school with a number of actors who became "stars", and worked with many more, I never came close to any real fame myself.
Now I'm 61, edging back into the fringes of the theatrical business after being on the sidelines for nearly a decade, and I think that perhaps the perspective of someone who has survived, persevered, and outlasted many peers would be interesting, if not for you to read, then at least for me to provide.
I don't know how I'll proceed. Most likely I'll keep this blog up to date with those things that an actor of my age gets to do, and my thoughts, whatever they may be worth, on the things I see going on in our industry.
Coming up, I've got a couple of readings that I'll be doing, one in the Boston area of a new play that I worked on while it was still a one-acter, and another near my hometown (adopted) of Portsmouth, NH, for an organization that's trying to build an audience for an eventual professional theater in the area.
I'd be happy to read any comments you may have as this process proceeds - if indeed it does.

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